Can Do Spirit

           CAN DO SPIRIT

It's about 6:13pm on a Sunday evening, I am all alone in my room lying bare on the floor and staring at the white decked platform above me, as I live downstairs and my landlord rather than put ceiling, he decided to paint the decked platform white.
Now this whiteboard is just there staring at me, no light so my fan sits still, as I stare  back at it the words that come to my mind are "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
I start to call out my goals, as I call one out I say out loud "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," this goes on for a while as I repeat it all through each goal.
I begin to laugh and shout at the top of my voice I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I can fly a plane, I can walk up the highest mountains and not get tired, I can become the person I have always envisioned I will be,
I can walk on the clouds if I decide that's what I want to do.
The more I keep thinking about it, the louder I get. Who could have known that staring at a white plane could give you so much to think about?
I begin to wonder again but what about the present economic hitch we facing in my country?
What of the fact that to secure something as little as a plate of Nigerian jellof with a big portion of meat in Nigeria you need to know one of the food vendors or distributors not to talk about getting the job of my dreams.
My voice begins to dim when these opposing thoughts come into my head but then again the word says  "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me"
ALL things not some but ALL.
God himself was the first entrepreneur, He created this wonderful earth out of darkness and emptiness. He knew he could Do ALL things and as he proclaimed them with his mouth the earth came to form and all creatures small and mighty, 
All the heavenly bodies those that give light and those that reflect light.
All waters, big as the oceans and small as the lakes.
He stood there and said I the LORD can do ALL things.

I am still here lying on the floor like a man who alcohol has left wasted repeating  and singing "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me"
Like someone possessed, this time not with evil spirit but with the "Can Do spirit" I constantly repeat "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me".
Like a baby mumbling his first words, I repeat "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me".
Like the thunder constantly roaring and breaking the sky, I scream "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me".

Do not let anything stop you today. if you don't get to where you are going today wake up tomorrow and try again but don't stop saying in your heart or out loud "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me".

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"
          - Philippians 4:13 KJV




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