Roses and Lillies

               Roses and Lillies 

Solomon, the wisest in the Bible is one character I have always found difficult to understand, could it be that a man of such vast wisdom is too much of an enigma for me to comprehend?
I understand his story as being the child of King David and Bathsheba after the death of their child getting after the affair, I understand how he became king, I understand the fact that he picked wisdom over fortune, but what gets me off is his choices in marriage and relationships, 700 wives and 300 concubines?
I'm sure he didn't even know all their names off heart or remembered what they looked like, I always imagined that maybe he had a servant whose primary role was to keep records stating what number which wife was and her other details  like her name, her country, the god she served, her age, her birthday, her passport photograph (if they had any then) etc.
King Solomon's life explained that though blessed with the greatest wisdom in all mankind when a man is involved with too many women than he is supposed to have, this can bring him to his downfall.
In all his wisdom, early service to God and following the footstep of his father David he couldn't resist having such relationships with these strange women (like the Bible calls them) which brought to his great downfall.
Oh men, why do you let strange women bring you down from the pedestal God has highly placed you?
Samson, David, Abraham, Judah, Reuben etc I can go on and on... Do you see where I am going with this?
Above mentioned are great men that allowed women at some point to alter God's plans for them. But that's not my focus today.
 Solomon wasn't just wise but poetic as well like Daddy, he was a singer. His book song of songs used to be a very confusing  part of the Bible for me,  some years back I never liked to open that part of my Bible because I felt the contents were just too intimate for a child like me to be reading but I took a better look today and finally God gave me an understanding to Solomon's poems.
I don't know if the songs were written before Solomon turned away from God or after but these songs when looked at in a hurry will seem as though it's a relationship between Solomon and one of his many lovers, but when studied closely one can say this chapter depicts a love affair between you and Christ.
His poems start with a woman who is seen expressing her intimate yearning for her lover, she then goes further to acknowledge her dark skin but also adds that she's beautiful (Song.1:1-5); yes, this should be you, expressing how badly you want God and desire him to take hold of you but your dark skin, your sinful nature stands as our excuse, your sinful nature but your clean spirit.
Her dark skin as a result of her brother's punishment, making her work hard in the vineyard with no time to cater for herself(song.1:6); your sinful nature as a result of Adam and Eve's disobedience and the punishment they brought on mankind to toil the earth.
She doesn't want to go in search for her lover among other men(song.1:7); you have a sweet lover Jesus and there's no need for you to go in search of other gods.
The man replies discrediting her for her false expression of her skin as dark, her sinful nature he praises her and tells her of her unseen beauty(song.1:8-11); Christ says you have become a new creature and you are his beloved, he loves you regardless of how you see yourself, he sees beyond your sinful nature.
He says you are a Lilly among thorns, a rose of Sharon and the Lilly of the valley (song.2:1-2); in ancient culture, these two flowers were considered ordinary and mundane, Sharon was a plain near Israel and both flowers grew like weeds. What????  Is that suppose to be a compliment?
But wait.
What is being said here is the fact that Lillies of the valley and roses of Sharon are wildflowers. The rose of Sharon grows in dry, unfavourable conditions, this flowers aren't cared for by a man or tended to in a vineyard, they belong to HIM.  this means the maiden (you) is cared for by God, you are a flower growing in the wild though beautiful but in the wild and the wild isn't a safe place because the care given to flowers planted in a vineyard is not found there, so for u to be blooming in the wild God is definitely the one doing the caring.
By the end of the chapters, the maiden embraces Solomon's estimation of her beauty and she begins to repeat his words over again and calls herself  as he calls her "my beautiful one".
God needs you to embrace what he sees you as,
he needs you to crave the intimate love affair written by Solomon in his songs.
He wants with you;
- A love affair that is so deep and yearning for more.
- A love affair that denies how the world sees you but embrace how God looks at you.
- A love affair so sacred and filled with romance and sweet affectionate praises.
-A love affair that doesn't die but rather kept fresh and it consumes like wildfire in the bush.
-A love affair that keeps you in a completely drunken state.

Kiss me with the kisses of your lips; for the love is better than wine - king Solomon


  1. This is truly inspiring. The things with strange women with the downfall of great men is outrageous. But self discipline will help anyone to overcome, though with recognition of the limit of one's strength.

    1. Thank you. May God help us to stay on track


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