Being Sarah

                    BEING SARAH

Some days you wake up like you don't have one problem in the world and everything seems to be heading your way and some other days you wake up completely distorted and gradually sinking into the present situation of things.
Today was one of those off days for  Sarah, a normal day like every other day it was meant to be but today she was preoccupied with thoughts of her unfruitful marriage, it had been 10years since they had arrived in Canaan, 10years since God had promised to make her husband Abraham, the father of many nations.
 Abraham had never complained about his wife's inability to bring forth a child into the world but he deserved to be a father, he deserved to have little ones run around the house and jump on his old back and scream daddy,
He deserved that and she really wanted to make him a proud father.          
   Sarah got up from her depression with an idea that seemed like the only reasonable thing then and ran off to her husband " darling, I feel really sad that I can't give the one thing you desire the most, an heir, a son to continue our lineage now that we  are already old, but I have an idea you may not like. It's the only choice and you have to do it for me." She paused a little
"Take Hagar lie with her and let us have a son through her. Through her, you can become a father and i a mother" She looked at her husband with so much concentration, his face had more wrinkles and more contour lines than the last time she stared at him.
Abraham agreed he couldn't deny anything his wife asked him, her shiny eyes were persuasive enough not to talk of the eagerness in her voice.
Sarah was a beautiful woman, her pale skin and her ever glowing eyes had now been dimmed by her constant cries and worries for her inability to conceive, she had been through a whole lot from moving from her father in-law 's home where she was comfortable to following God's call on her husband moving from town to town just to find the proper dwelling place God had promised to give them.
Here she was completely unhappy about the present state of things, she felt she needed to be somewhere else, be someone else, not just a wife but a mother. Abraham getting her maid pregnant seemed like her key to happiness, she would bear a son and everything will be fine, at least that was what she thought.
A few years later Hagar bore Ishmael,
Sarah's situation got worse, Hagar became disrespectful to her and of course, she felt worse than she initially did when there was no baby.
One hot afternoon, some guests come to pay the Abraham's a visit, after offering the guests a well-prepared meal, one of the men tell Abraham his wife will conceive a son, Sarah eavesdropping on their conversation says to herself "At what age now, 90??  Are you kidding me?" She laughed like never before this must be the biggest joke on a hot afternoon she had heard all her life. "When I'm way past menopause and with no functional tubes" she laughed even harder.
Little did she know her Isaac was incoming. She got her blessing eventually it took a while but God made the impossible seem like a very easy thing to do.

Now over to you:
You are not where you want to be and you feel like you are supposed to be somewhere else,
Say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be, but here's the truth you will still feel the same way; not in the right place.
The point is you can't get so hung up on where you rather be that you forget how to make the most of where you are. Take a break from worrying about what you can't control and just live a little have faith and wait for your own day of Isaac "laughter".

"So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time" Matt.6:34


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